Make sure to turn off Wi-Fi and try again. Note: If you receive a provisioning error -23 when requesting the PIN, this generally indicates a connectivity issue with the phone.
Select Help & Feedback for helpful tutorials and to provide feedback to the app developers. Once complete, a voicemail icon is displayed. Follow the prompts to finish setting up your voicemail. Select the Voicemail icon which places a call to the voicemail system. This provides a higher level of audio quality. Call Through - All calls are made and received through the native device phone number however, callers are using and seeing your One Talk number. Call quality is susceptible to data connectivity and congestion. App Calling - All calls are made and received through the app. From the "Setup your Device & Profile" screen, enter the appropriate info and tap Next:. If the issue persists, contact Tech Support. Note: If you receive a provisioning error (-23) when requesting the PIN, this generally indicates a data connectivity issue. If the email isn't received, engage your IT team to whitelist this email domain: Enter the PIN sent via email, then tap Activate PIN. Ensure the user assigned to the line has a valid email address in My Business. Enter the One Talk number and the preferred name, then tap Request PIN to be sent by email.
If presented, press Get Started to accept app permissions.Splash screen displays for a short time.One Talk app is supported on the following operating systems:
Download the Verizon One Talk app from the Apple® App Store® or Google Play™ Store.